Trinity Mirror


Below is a small selection of the work I did when I was at Trinity Mirror, now known as Reach. Working across many different departments, there was always work to be done. And a wide range of projects, from designing advertisments, building assets, putting together email newsletters, forms, widgets for news stories, it was a great experience in a buzzing environment.

Local and National site designs

4 screenshots of website pages
Website designs with a variety of layouts to allow regular content changes and adpatation to different devices.

Interface and icon designs

icons with alignment lines and examples of their usage
Creation of icon assets and integration with content to interface applications.

Email sign ups and newsletters

three versions side by side of signup forms
Design and implementation of sign up forms
examples of four newsletters side by side
Design and implementation of email newsletters integration of images and content

Third party form widgets

website screenshots and a close up of integrated forms
Design and implementation of external form widgets combining branding assets, content and guidlines.

Advertising for clients

a variety of advert banners in different sizes
Advertisement banners in various formats for different campaigns
two pages of competition pages
Additional advertising material produced like competition pages and app store adverts

Internal reporting

data presented in a colourful grid format
Presenting internal data for reports with more colours and visuals.