
Paleography Framework


Archetype (previously called "the DigiPal framework") is a generic, open-source software framework for the analysis and presentation of palaeographical and related materials and texts. It was first developed as part of the Digital Resource and Database for Palaeography, Manuscript Studies and Diplomatic (DigiPal), a project funded by the European Research Council to bring digital technology to bear on the scholarly discussion of medieval handwriting.

The large part of this work has been the development of a freely-available generalised framework for the online presentation of images with structured annotations and data which allows scholars to search for, view, and organise detailed characteristics of handwriting or other material in both verbal and visual form. It was then extended as part of subsequent projects, particularly Models of Authority and the Conqueror's Commissioners, both of which were funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC, UK). The DigiPal Project formally ended on 30 September 2014, but the framework is still being updated and extended as part of the follow-on projects.


This project at King's Digital Lab had a small budget and had to be done quickly to create a site with information about the project. The logo was created and colour palette chosen by another designer in the team. I was in charge of the site. Since there was little time and no full developer on this project, I used a one page template as a base to speed up the process. Created some icons integrated into a workflow model to illustrate the system.

workflow model mockup
Mockup of the workflow model
workflow model final
Final of the workflow model
screenshot of site
Screenshot of the final site